South Peninsula Hospital is working closely with the State of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services and other state and local agencies in our response to the outbreak of COVID-19.
To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, you are encouraged to maintain a physical distance from others of at least 6 feet, practice frequent hand washing, clean regularly used surfaces, wear cloth face coverings while in public, stay home when sick, and get tested if you have been exposed or have symptoms.
Covid-19 Vaccines
April 19 Update
For an individual appointment for Pfizer vaccination at the Covid Vaccine and Test Clinic on Bartlett Street.
NEW! Walk-ins welcome daily 12pm-5pm at 4201 Bartlett Street, lower level.
Note: Pfizer vaccine is authorized only for individuals 16 years of age and older, and Moderna and Janssen vaccines are authorized only for individuals 18 years of age and older.
Who is eligible? Anyone living or working in Alaska is eligible.
Vaccine Information: Information about COVID-19 vaccines approved by FDA Emergency Use Authorization:
- mRNA vaccines
- Pfizer-Biontech -approved for 16 years and up
- Moderna – approved for 18 years and up
- Viral Vector vaccines
- Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) – approved for 18 years and up Note: The FDA has temporarily suspended authorization for the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 Vaccine for review. Read the full Joint CDC and FDA Statement on Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine here.
Getting your second dose?
- If you already got your first dose at a mass vaccination event, there is no need to make another appointment. You reserved your appointment when you got your first dose.
- If you have questions about your second dose appointment, or need to cancel, call 235-0235.
Vaccines are not available at Homer Medical Center or South Peninsula Family Care Clinic at this time. Check back here for regular updates. See the map of vaccine locations statewide