International Service Committee
International Service

Welcome to the International Service Committee.
We are a very active committee with projects all over the Rotary world.
We have sister Rotary clubs in Mexico (Merida), Thailand (Chiang Mai), Philippines (Manila), Japan (Kyoto), and Russia (Kamchtaka).
We have sponsored health fairs in all these countries (except for Japan) plus Mongolia and Fiji.
We have organized friendship exchanges to most of our sister clubs.
Our major international projects are health fairs, the Lake Baikal Trail (building 100 km of trail along Lake Baikal).
We are a very active committee with projects all over the Rotary world.
We have sister Rotary clubs in Mexico (Merida), Thailand (Chiang Mai), Philippines (Manila), Japan (Kyoto), and Russia (Kamchtaka).
We have sponsored health fairs in all these countries (except for Japan) plus Mongolia and Fiji.
We have organized friendship exchanges to most of our sister clubs.
Our major international projects are health fairs, the Lake Baikal Trail (building 100 km of trail along Lake Baikal).